Mom blog

The Eternal Winter and Bored Out of my Mind

Ok, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has felt like this has been an eternal Winter. I live in the Northeast and we have been hammered with snow and freezing temperatures. I think the rest of the country has had a tough time, also?

Spring is taking its sweet time to get here (though it looks like this weekend will be nice) and I feel like my toddler and I have been stir crazy! We can only play with the same toys so many times..

We got creative and went to play gyms, played in the snow, and did a lot of arts and crafts, but it was difficult to do things all the time, especially during the snowstorms and because money is tight. I can’t help but feel bad. I feel bad because her mind should be challenged more. I’m a huge advocate of being outside as much as possible, but even I had to resort to cartoons here and there. I’m not saying down time isn’t good sometimes- it’s nice to relax and do nothing when the mood strikes, but there has been a bit too much vegging out.

I’ve always wished and entertained the idea of living near a beach because the nature and imagination there is endless and beautiful. I follow @yoga_girl on Instagram and her little baby is living the life down there in Aruba. Constantly hanging out on the beach and enjoying all aspects of being outside. My poor lady has been begging to play outside, but the temperatures have been painful.

I wonder if I’m living in the right area of the world. If it weren’t for my family and friends, I wouldn’t be able to really think of a reason to stay here in this NYC suburb. Should I think about moving? But then we’d have to start over with jobs, friends, daycares, etc. It seems more work than it’s worth… I think.

I’m probably just lacking Vitamin D and sunshine and going a little stir crazy. I’m sure once Spring and Summer roll around, I’ll be fine. Plus, if we moved, I’d really miss seeing the Fall… I think it’s just mom guilt kicking in and feeling like I can’t provide enough resources for my toddler to really explore. But I’m trying my best. Has anyone been struggling this winter too??

❤️ ☀️

Mom blog, Mom life, Toddler Life

Spread the Word!

It’s that time of year…

…the time to give to others who are less fortunate. Well, that should be every time of year, but you catch my drift.

The doctors at my new job decided to help People to People and “adopt a family” this year. I wasn’t too sure what that meant or what to except when I went to People to People on my lunch break last week.

I walked in and there were huge binders full of letters from almost 800 families explaining why they need help, their financial woes, and most of all, how they wish they could afford holiday gifts for their children. Each letter had a wish list attached from all the children whose parents could not provide them their wants (dolls, legos, etc.) and their needs (beds, underwear, coats).

As I sat there sobbing, I couldn’t figure out how I was supposed to choose only one family and I kept wishing I was rich enough to “adopt” them all.

Because that is obviously not a reality, I figure the best thing I can do is spread the word to have others hopefully go check out their local People to People (or another similar organization).

My daughter and I gathered some clothes for our “adopted family” on Thanksgiving morning and I knew right then and there that this would be our yearly tradition…

I hope you can do the same…


Mom blog, Mom life, Toddler Life

18-Month-Old Sleeping Disaster

Ok, I want to start by saying that I know this is 95% my fault and the reason my 18-month-old doesn’t sleep through the night is because my husband and I haven’t been strong enough to make it happen.

My daughter was an excellent newborn and infant. She slept more than average newborns and I don’t think she ever had a crying fit for more than 3 minutes. I was like wow…. this is gonna be a breeze! 


Once she turned 6 months, she was constantly getting sick. Every 3 weeks she would have a new bug. It would be a monthly surprise… is it going to be a stomach virus, croup, or an ear infection this time?!

Most parents know that when babies are sick, their routines and schedules are completely thrown off. Well, that is definitely true!

My daughter wouldn’t be able to sleep because of her stuffy nose, a cough, or just general pain/ fever. It started with us brining her into our bed to comfort her and it has now transformed to her sleeping with us every night.


She goes to sleep fine in her crib, but wakes up a few hours later to come into bed with us. Both of us worked full-time so we would just bring her in so we could get some sleep. (I just switched to part-time work so I’m determined to change this).

She also became accustomed to waking up several times for water… which lead to several bed wetting incidents and  increasing insanity for my husband and I.

We have tried to let her cry it out, we’ve tried the Ferber method, and several other tips from various parents. Nothing is working. We have a stubborn lady on our hands. She would literally cry for 5 hours straight if we let her (I wouldn’t do that, just saying).

So finally I decided last night I’m putting my foot down. I need my sanity and sleep back! I loved my time snuggling with her, but it’s time for her to learn the boundaries of sleep.

So tonight we start the adventure… I’m nervous I’m not going to be strong enough to listen to her cry (or too tired and give in).

Has this happened to anyone else? Has anyone else had a very stubborn toddler? Please tell me it gets better… lol


Fit Mom, Mom life, Toddler Life

Way Too Early For This…

Yes, ok…I know it’s super early for this, but I had to share my daughter’s Holiday pictures that I took… in love ❤️

Between ordering then, having them shipped, writing them all out, etc, I figured it’s not too early for anything! Haha…

hope you enjoy and would love to see everyone else’s!


Mom blog, Mom life, Nature lover

Finally Fall 🍁🍂

It’s finally starting to feel like Autumn up here in New York! Don’t get me wrong, I love the summer, but there’s just so much magic in fall. It always seems like a period of rebirth, in my opinion. We can shed the old to make way for the new!

That being said, I officially starting my journey today as a part-time working mom! I’ve been working full-time for years and entirely since my daughter was born almost a year and a half ago. Sometimes, I get nervous because the money is going to be scarce, but beautiful days like today remind me that there are so many amazing things in life that are completely free. 

Spending time in nature, jumping in leaves, and looking at the amazing October leaves are all I need… Sometimes I just need that reminder in life.

I’m not sure what it is like in other parts of the country/world, but here in the Northeast, everyone is always rushed. Crazy rush hour drivers risking their lives to make it in to a job they hate, miserable people waiting in line at the grocery store because they have somewhere better to be, and people working themselves into hysteria.

I’m over it. 

Going to start living more the way Autumn lives… basking in the sun with a cool breeze, not worried to let things go…


Mom blog

Can’t Believe It’s Happening!

Sorry for the writing hiatus. Between my brother moving to Colorado, going to Florida to celebrate my 30th birthday, and all the fall activities in full swing, it has been hard to find time to sit down and write.

If you aren’t familiar with my blog or the last few posts, I’ll do a quick recap. Basically, I am a full-time working mom who lives in New York who just wants to spend more time with my daughter (mom guilt to the max). Of course other things are thrown in like travel, wine, and the beach haha.

With that being said, I have good news… I just got asked to start a new job in two weeks that is part-time!!!  I’ll only be working 3 days a week so I will get to be home more with my 17 month old!! Soooo excited.

But…. also nervous.

I have the normal butterfly jitters about telling my current position tomorrow that I’m giving them 2 weeks notice. It’s never fun, even when I’m so excited about the new journey to come. But such is life and it must be done…

I’m mostly nervous about the money situation. I will obviously be making less because of the cut in hours. Life and bills will still be doable, but it will be tight. So many great bloggers have offered advice on how to cut down on spending and I’m fully ready to try all those amazing things, but it is still nerve wracking. I just keep thinking, “What if it doesn’t work?”, “What if my decision sends us to the poorhouse?”.

I’m fully aware this is probably a bit dramatic and an over exaggeration, but I’m still shaking in my boots. I’m hoping I’m doing the right thing…

How do others handle such huge transitions in life? Were you nervous beforehand and felt like you were making the wrong decision? Any advice for a little side hustle?

Looking forward to hearing 🙂

Mom blog, Mom life, Nature lover, Toddler Life

My Brother is Moving Tomorrow…

Sad day. Very sad day.

We had a goodbye dinner tonight to wish my brother well as he and his girlfriend prepare to move to Colorado tomorrow (we live in New York). They are super outdoorsy and love hiking and want to get some amazing experiences in before they settle down. I get it. I would do the same if I were in his shoes. It doesn’t make it easier though.

He’s 5 years younger than me. My only sibling. We had a great childhood together. We spent most of our time on the beach. If not at the beach, we were playing catch outside with a baseball.

We would fight like cats and dogs sometimes, but at other times, we would gang up against my parents when they were being “annoying”.

We used to have a “night club” where we would sing songs and play with toys in our bedroom after out parents told us it was time to go to sleep. We had to share a bedroom until I was 9. I hated it then. Not so much now.

He will probably move back home eventually (at least I hope). His girlfriend says if they get married and have kids, they will definitely come back to be close to family. But what if they love it there? 

The hardest part is that my daughter’s favorite uncle is moving away. One of her role models. She might grow up not even remembering who he is (she’s only 15 months right now).

Leaving dinner tonight, my grandma sobbed as she said goodbye to her grandson. The 5th grandkid out of eleven. I couldn’t watch her cry. I had to walk away.

I’ve always been the tough one in the family. The rock. The stable one. The one people lean on in hard times. The unshaken one. I don’t know if that will be me tomorrow. 

I’m sorry for the Debbie downer post. I’m usually optimistic and happy, but it’s really hard to be that right now. I know it’s good for him. I know he’ll be happy and have the time of his life. I certainly know I’m jealous of all the mountains he will climb. I know all of these things.

I just don’t want my daughter to have to say goodbye tomorrow. That’s what’s killing me.

… but as always, I will trek on. And I will hope and wish every day for his return.


Cooking, Mom blog, Mom life, Uncategorized

My “Almost Tuscan” homemade Arrabiata Sauce

My vegetable garden is certainly bountiful this year! I’m picking about 15 tomatoes a day! So obviously I need to do something with all the said tomatoes… 🍅

After visiting Tuscany two years ago and getting private cooking lessons with Italian chefs, I figured I would try their Arrabiata recipe at home. What a win! 🌶

So I’m here to share the wealth with everyone.


The Tomatoes 

Of course, if you have homegrown tomatoes, that would be best, but no worries if not. Go to the store and purchase fresh Roma (plum) tomatoes or you can even buy them in a can!

The Spice

The heat is what gives the arrabiata sauce it’s personality. After all, arrabita literally means “angry”. If you want to be as authentic as possible, purchase Italian Calabrian peppers. These may be hard to find so if worst comes to worse, you can just use crushed red pepper (I also love adding cherry peppers-they are my favorite)!

Keep in mind, if spicy food is not your thing, you can leave the peppers out and just make a regular marinara sauce that will be equally as amazing!

The Rest

Make sure you also have garlic (fresh is best), sea salt, sugar, red wine, basil, and rosemary. Again, fresh is best when it comes to the herbs, but you can use dried basil and rosemary if you don’t have any fresh available!

Get ready to cook

Step 1- Cut/ purée the tomatoes 

First, you are going to want to crush or purée the tomatoes. If you want a chunkier sauce, you can keep the skin on and cut/crush them into little chunks. If you want a smoother sauce, you can skin them and/or purée them using a food processor.


Step 2- Sauté the peppers and garlic

Next, put a thin layer of olive oil at the bottom of your pot and sauté the peppers, garlic and some sea salt for about 5 minutes. (Keep in mind, I use low heat the entire time because cooking sauce is an art and takes time haha. Feel free to cook on medium if you are in a rush)!

Step 3- Add the tomatoes, spices, and cook!

Pour the tomatoes into the pot and add a cup of red wine, a tablespoon of sugar (to cut the acidity of the tomatoes), more salt, basil, and some rosemary. You can also add in black pepper, onion, and oregano to taste if that’s what you like, but keep in mind, the chefs didn’t use those ingredients. I like to let the sauce cook for hours in order to allow all the herbs and flavors to mix together. Again, if you don’t have that much time, turn up the heat a bit- it will still come out amazing!

And there you have it.. the “Almost Tuscan” Arrabiata sauce by Amanda… 🍝


Also, for more awesome Italian recipes, this cookbook is amazing!

Fit Mom, Mom blog, Mom life, Nature lover, Toddler Life, Uncategorized

Appreciate the Sky this Weekend!!

Take time out of the hectic craziness that is your life for just five minutes this weekend and appreciate how beautiful the sky is..

I guarantee it will help relax you!

To all the moms and dads… regardless if you are working moms, stay at home moms, 80 hour per week dads…you are all doing such a great job!

The sky will give you five minutes of zen that you deserve …

Then get back to cleaning that mess!!
